
Archive for the ‘Job devotionals 2014’ Category

12-26-14. Job 42:1-17. Look To Jesus…Repent and Pray For Others –my devotional

12-26-14. Job 42:1-17. Look To Jesus…Repent and Pray For Others –my devotional Job 42:1-17                                                                                                  Kevin E. Jesmer Key Verse: 42:5,6                                                                                         12-26-14 “5 My ears had heard of you but now my eyes have seen you. 6 Therefore I despise myself and repent in dust and ashes.” (NIV) Part 1: Job Repents After Beholding God In […]


12-26-14. Job 42:10-17. The Lord Restores-my devotional

The Lord Restores. Job 42: 10-17                                                                                 Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse 42:10,       […]


12-26-14. Job 42:7-9. Job received grace and mission to reveal grace-my devotional

12-26-14. Job 42:7-9. Job received grace and mission to reveal grace  Job 42:7-17                                                                                     […]


12-21-14. Job 42:1-8. Beholding the Glorious, Holy And Awesome God-my devotional

12-21-14. Beholding the Glorious And Awesome God Job 42:1-8                                                                                             […]


12-19-14. Job 41:1-34. Humbly Submit to The Lord– my devotional

12-19-14. Job 41:1-34. Humbly Submit to The Lord– my devotional Job 41:1-34                                                                                                             Kevin E. Jesmer Key verse   10                                                                                                 12-19-14 “10 No one is fierce enough to rouse it. Who then is able to stand against me? 11 Who has a claim against me that I must pay? Everything under heaven belongs to me.” Part 1: […]


12-19-14. Job 41:25-34. Fight In The Strength, Wisdom The Lord Provides-my devotional

Fight In The Strength, Wisdom The Lord Provides.   by Kevin E. Jesmer    12-19-14 Job 41:25-34.  Key verse 33-34,  “Nothing on earth is its equal— a creature without fear. 34 It looks down on all that are haughty; it is king over all that are proud.” Job 41:25-34 reads, “25 When it rises up, […]


12-16-14. Job 41:1-23. Be Humble And Depend On God To Win The Battle-my devotional

Be Humble And Depend On God To Win The  Spiritual Battle  Job 41:1-23                                                             Kevin E. Jesmer                   […]


12-10-14. Job 40:1-14. Brace Yourself In Gospel Faith and Let God Work In Your Life.

Brace Yourself In Gospel Faith and Let God Work In Your Life. Kevin E. Jesmer  12-10-14 Job 40:1-14   Key verse 8 “ Will you even put me in the wrong? Will you condemn me that you may be in the right?”   How are we to respond when the Living God confronts us in a very personal […]


12-5-14. Job 39:1-30. Look Beyond Suffering To Find Answers and Strength In God –my devotional

12-5-14. Job 39:1-30.  Look Beyond Suffering To Find Answers and Strength In God –my devotional Job 39:1-30                                                                                                      Kevin e. Jesmer Key verse 39:1                                                                                                 12-5-14 “Do you know when the mountain goats give birth? Do you watch when the doe bears her fawn?” (NIV)     Lord, thank you for providing our daily bread. Thank you for […]


12-5-14. Job 39:19-30. God’s Glory And Nobility Thrives In The Midst of Struggles.

God’s Glory And Nobility Thrives In The Midst of Struggles. Kevin E. Jesmer Job 39:19-30. Key verse 39:19, ““Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane?”  Verses 19-30 read, “Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane? 20 Do you make […]