
Archive for September, 2017

My Interpretation of the Art Work, “Mammon” by Alex Gross

My Interpretation of the Art Work, “Mammon” by Alex Gross Written by Kevin E. Jesmer 9-25-17 “Mammon.” A painting by Alex Gross. What does this painting have to say about false religion of our day? I am inviting your interpretation. Especially what do you think of the Christ figure. I see a hipster Jesus concentrating […]


My Review of the Movie, “Mother”. By Kevin E. Jesmer    9-25-17

My Review of the Movie, “Mother”. By Kevin E. Jesmer    9-25-17 I just saw the movie, Mother. There are some wrong assumptions about God. The truth is God does care about nature for it is his creation. God can and does control the flow of history, even if his people are messing things up. God […]


Gordon Jesmer …a brave letter courier in Berens River MB, in the 1930’s

Gordon Jesmer …a brave letter courier in Berens River MB, in the 1930’s.  Saturday, February 3, 1934.   The Winnipeg Tribune from Winnipeg· Page 13.  Winnipeg, Canada Gordon Jesmer, a brave letter courier, operating around Berens River Manitoba. He is the son of Hubert and Shirley Jesmer. He is my grandfather, (Harvey Jesmer)’s first […]


Contribution of multilingual Dene woman to developing fur trade commemorated with Churchill plaque. 9-1-17

Contribution of multilingual Dene woman to developing fur trade commemorated with Churchill plaque Thompson Citizen. September 1, 2017   Link to original article     Thanadelthur, a Dene woman who died in 1717 after helping fur traders establish a trading post and negotiate a peace accord between Dene and Cree inhabitants of what is now […]


The ASK (Assessing for Suicide in Kids) Workshop . NOV23, 2017

The ASK (Assessing for Suicide in Kids) Workshop . NOV23, 2017 Workshop Details: Assessing for Suicide in Kids, ages 5-14. OVERVIEW: This one-day workshop challenges commonly held notions about children’s capacity to consider suicide. It facilitates awareness of the signs that a young child may be at risk and what is needed to help. Case […]


You see that happy missionary family smiling out of the postcard on your fridge? Their marriage is probably hanging by a thread. Peterson 2-16-16

You see that happy missionary family smiling out of the postcard on your fridge? Their marriage is probably hanging by a thread. February 26, 2016 ~ peterson1205 Link to original article “Anybody can smile long enough for an updated newsletter photo.” I winced as the lights suddenly cut off. “Really? Three nights in a row?” I […]


Frank Dwyer-The Son of William and Nora Dwyer

Frank Dwyer-The Son of William and Nora Dwyer. Frank was the young son of William and Nora. He was the second youngest child. He was two years older than his sister, Sarah. That means that he was born in 1892. Link to Frank’s parents: William and Nora Dwyer Link to Ken and Helen Nugent William […]


Daily Devotionals on the Book of Joshua- 2017

Daily Devotionals on the Book of Joshua- By Kevin E. Jesmer 2017 INTRODUCTION TO THE BOOK OF JOSHUA Joshua, the sixth book of the Bible, covers the period from the death of Moses to the conquest of the Promised Land. The beginning of the conquest was in 1406 B.C., forty years after the Exodus. The […]