House church resources
Definition of House Church
Definition of a simple house church. (from The Church at Home)
Wikipedia definition of house church
Definition of house church. (from The (H)ouse (C)hurch project (What is an organic church?)
Definition of House church. By Will of God ministries
Articles On House Church Ministry
“House Churches Past And Present” by Dr Ruth Tucker
“Why I Enjoy Leading A House Church In UBF Ministry” by Kevin Jesmer
“Why I Like Having Fellowship With UBF Missionaries” by Kevin Jesmer
“Why House Church ministry” by Kevin Jesmer
Wikipedia article about House churches
“House Churches Keep Worship Small and Friendly” USA Today 7/22/2010 An article and web site on what a missional church is.
A Christian wonders about the house church. A letter to Dr. John Armstrong
The House Church Phenomenon. Dr John Armstrong 1/12/2010
New Testament House Churches: A Model For Today’s World-article
Got a stressful job-a good spouse helps-article
One House Churches Struggle reflects after serving 5 years in Costa Rica 5/12
Elements of a healthy small church- and the hidden agenda that can kill it 7-12-13
Image of a household of faith. By Dr John Armstrong 7-15-16
Videos about House Church Ministry
House Church pastor from an Asian country: an interview (16 min)
An American House Church in Chad (Vimeo 3 min)
What is a simple church? A video on the house church movement
Unreached people groups. 6 videos. (Only house churches can do this work.)
Bible Material On House Church Ministry
Question Sheets For House Church Bible Studies
Messages For House Church Bible studies
What Ever Happened to Series? Studies of families in the Bible
Devotionals, messages, articles compiled in the blog concerning house churches.
House Church Ministries and Web Sites
University Bible Fellowship
House Church Registry: House Church Network
Christian Family On Christ’s :The Jesmer Family House Church
Church In The Home
House Church Central: resources and theology : Simple church resources
New Lot’s of links to house church related sites.
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