
1 Corinthians 5-11 daily devotionals by Kevin E. Jesmer 2010

1 Corinthians 5-11 daily devotionals by Kevin E. Jesmer 2010

1 corinthians



1 Corinthians 5:1–13

Key Verse 5:7


1. Hand this man over to Satan (1-5)

A brother persisted in sexual immorality and was left unchallenged. Paul rebuked them (2) holding onto God’s clarity, purity and authority (4,5). Paul cared about this man’s soul and his influence on the body of Christ.

2. Christ our Passover Lamb (6-8)                                   At Passover time, bread without yeast was eaten. This symbolized purification. Christ our Passover Lamb died for us, so our sins are cleansed. Jesus makes an old batch like a new batch (7-8). The old has gone, the new has come.

3. Love people with God’s love (9-13)                       Paul says we should not disassociate ourselves from sinners. Where could they go…the moon? We have to love them and help them. But we are to distance ourselves from a Christian who remains in unrepentant sins.

Prayer: Lord, help to make our hearts and our fellowship pure so that we can glorify Jesus.


One Word: Christ is our Passover Lamb









1 Corinthians 6:1–11

Key Verse 6: 2


1. Authority to judge even angels (1–8)

Disagreeing Christians should not have to go to secular courts (4). As Jesus’ people we have authority. We have the Holy Spirit and the mind of Christ. We should be able to deal with disputes among ourselves.


2. Why not be wronged? (7-8)

The existence of lawsuits among them revealed that they were already defeated (7,8). Satan wants to divide and conquer. But there is a better way. Simply concede (7, Matt 5:10). This is the way to grow in the image of Christ.


3.  Washed, sanctified and justified by grace (9-11)

Before meeting Jesus, we had no hope in the kingdom of God because of our sins. Our only hope was eternal condemnation. (Rev 21:8)  But we were washed, sanctified, and justified. When we remember this grace we can forgive others.


Prayer: Lord, forgive me for dwelling on petty disputes. Help me to lead others to the same grace I have received.


One Word: Always remember the grace of God.








1 Corinthians 6:12-20

Key Verse 6:19, 20


1.  Flee from sexual immorality (12–17)

Some Christians were saying that Christ took away all sin, and they were free to live as they wanted (12). But if we give into sin, we are far from free for we become slaves to sin. As members of Christ, we should focus on being one with the Lord in spirit.


2. Clear direction in how to use our bodies?  (18)

Paul gives good advice, “Flee from sexual immorality…” (18a). The best way is to be very positive in our repentance. Run away! (Gen 39:12) Decide to offer up your body as an instrument of righteousness. (Ro 6:13) Surround yourself with his people. (2 Tim 2:22) God wants to help us.


3. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (19,20)

Our bodies belong to God. He purchased us with the blood of Jesus. Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. We must not let anything defile God’s temple.

Prayer: Lord, protect my heart and help me to offer my body to you to live for your holy purpose.

One Word: Honor God with your body









1 Corinthians 7:1–24

Key Verse 7: 19b


1.  The general purpose of marriage (1-7)

The Corinthians asked, “Is it good to be married?” Some had an aversion to marriage, thinking marital relations were unholy. To correct this, Paul says Christians should have one spouse. They should be mindful of one another, prayerful and watchful.


2. Paul’s advice about marriage (8–24)

Paul strongly advocated a celibate lifestyle. People who are called to do so, should. But this is not for everybody. There were some who burned with passion. This is not best motive to marry, but Paul says it is better for them to marry. Those who are called to marry must stay together – even when one’s spouse is not a believer. (Mk 10:8,9) The bottom line is, whether married or unmarried, slave or free, we should trust and serve God in our present situation. (20,24)


Prayer: Lord, my mind is filled with thoughts about how to change my human situation. Help me to trust what you are doing in my life and obey your word.


One Word: Trust God and grow spiritually








1 Corinthians 7:25-40

Key Verse 7:35


1.  Share in Jesus’ concern (25–28)

Paul encouraged virgins to remain single because he felt the Second Coming was eminent and would be accompanied by many dreadful events, especially for young mothers. (Mk 13:17)  Yet Paul concedes that virgins are free to marry; it is not sin.

2. Free from earthly concerns(29–40)                       Paul wants us to put marriage in the perspective of eternity. Since the world is passing away, we should not be attached to the things of the world. We should live for Jesus’ sake, giving our hearts to God. Our interests can not be divided. Deut 6:5 says, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” The happiest, most rewarding life is to serve the Lord in undivided devotion.

Prayer:Lord, I really believe that Jesus is coming soon. Help me to see my life in light of eternity, in undivided devotion to you, my Lord Jesus.


One word: Live in undivided devotion to the Lord.






LOVE BUILDS UP                                        

1 Corinthians 8:1-13                                                                                           Key Verse 8:1

1. Knowledge puffs Up, but love builds up (8:1-3)    The Corinthians wanted to know whether it was right to eat meat that had been sacrificed to an idol. Paul taught them freedom must be limited by love.

2. Set free (4-6)                                                           Corinthian believers were set free from idol worship when they met the one true God. They discovered the Lord Jesus Christ through whom salvation came. With this faith, they could receive any kind of food with thanksgiving. (1 Ti 4:4-5)

3.  Serve the weak with the mind of Christ (7-13)     Some Christians were “weak” spiritually (7,11; Ro 14:2). They needed support from more mature believers. Paul was strict about certain things that caused weaker Christians to stumble. Our freedom should also be limited by love.

Prayer:   Lord, may love be the overriding principle that guides my life. Help me to the use the knowledge that you have given me to build others up.

One word: Embrace others with the love of Christ




1 Corinthians 9:1-18                                                   Key Verse 9:12

1. How to use our freedom (1-2)                                     Paul was called to apostleship by the Risen Christ. (Acts 9:15) Paul’s apostleship was sealed by the clear work of God among the believers (1-2). They should learn from him how to use their freedom to build others up.

2.  It is proper to support our leaders (3-12a)           Paul had rights: a right to support, a right to have a wife, and the right to receive a reasonable salary (3-6). Paul used three examples: a soldier, a farmer (Dt 20:6), and a herdsmen.  Finally, Paul referred to examples from Scripture: oxen who tread the grain and temple servants (Dt 25:4; Lev 7:28-36).

3. Paul chose to not use his rights (12b-18)            Paul did not claim his rights (12b). He sought God’s reward. He was compelled to preach (16). Paul did not want to appear greedy. Some weaker members may have stopped listening to him.

Prayer: Lord, I claim my rights without concerning of my affect on others. Help me to promote and not hinder the Gospel.


One Word: Promote the Gospel of Jesus






1 Corinthians 9:19-27                                                Key Verse 9:22

1.  Becoming all things to all people (19-23)        Paul had a passion to save the lost. Though he was free, he made himself a slave to win as many as possible (22). He practiced the incarnation of Jesus. (Jn 1:14) In doing so Paul learned the mind of Christ and God’s love. We must learn to become all things to all people in order to share the gospel of salvation with them. It’s all about breaking down barriers in order to make friends for Christ. This may include risks to reach out to others in meaningful ways.

2. Become a spiritual athlete in training (24- 27) Paul’s struggle was comparable to that of an athlete in strict training. Christians should be more earnest to train themselves spiritually than a professional athlete. An athlete struggles hard for a prize that does not last. Our struggle is for a prize that will last forever. Paul wanted to gain Christ (Php 3:8) and he struggled spiritually with that goal in mind.

Prayer: Lord, you came to this world, shared in our humanity so that we might be saved. Help me to become all things to all people so that I may reveal Jesus.

One word: Become all things to all people




1 Corinthians 10:1-13

Key Verse 10: 12


1. Remember the grace of God (1-4)                            The cloud guided the Israelites and they were delivered through the Red Sea. This was a type of baptism that gave them a new identity as a holy nation. It was the complete grace of God. All of these things were pointing to Jesus (4).


2. Warnings from Israel’s history (5-10)                            Ten spies caused the whole community to grumble with unbelief. So 23,000 people were put to death in one day. (Nu 25:19) This serves as an example to keep our hearts right before God (6). We should learn from history and seek God’s kingdom first.


3. Humbly depend on God (11-13)                      Some Christians were proud, self-confident and complacent (11). Paul warns them to be careful (12). We must depend on God’s grace. He will help us to stand spiritually (13).


Prayer: Lord, lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.


One word: Have a sense of history









1 Corinthians 10:14-11:1

Key Verse 10:31


1. Devote our hearts to Jesus (10:14-22)                       Some participated in seemingly “innocent” activities of idol worshippers. But Paul tells them, “Flee!” (14) Christians have been called to participate in the body and blood of Jesus and devote their whole hearts to Jesus (16-20). God is very serious about devotion and accepts no less.


2. Don’t take advantage of our freedom (23-30)      While everything is permissible, some things are rather harmful (23). The overriding principle must be to seek the good of others (24). Paul gives us a practical example (25-27).


3.  Do it all for the glory of God (10:31-11:1)          Glorifying God goes beyond table manners (31). God made us to do good works for his glory. (Eph 2:10) This is our motive and purpose as Christians. It includes being considerate of others (32) and bringing them into the family of God (33).


Prayer: Lord, protect my heart and keep me from compromising with idols for the good of others.


One Word: Do it all for the glory of Jesus









1 Corinthians 11:2-16

Key Verse 11:3


1.  Paul’s commendation (2)

Paul commended them because they were living according to pattern of the gospel, rather than the world. It is hard to live for the glory of God in this world. But God gives us his word and his grace.


2. Practice reverent submission (3)

Paul used relationships to explain practical reverence. The key is submission. Christ submitted to God absolutely (3). We must submit ourselves to Christ, and follow his example. Jesus told us that when we obey him as our head, we really love him.


3.  A fellowship that promotes worship (4-16)

Paul drew spiritual meaning from certain cultural practices. To put it simply, we need to build an environment to worship God together, acceptably, in reverence and in awe. (Heb 12:28)


Prayer: Lord, I want to come to you and worship you in deep reverence and submission.


One word: Worship God








1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Key Verse 11:26


1. Think of God and others (17- 22)

When they gathered for the Lord’s Supper, there was no love or community. They were not eating at a church potluck, but the Lord’s Supper. They should come together before God as the body of Christ, love and serve each other.


2. The Lord’s Supper  (23-34)

Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper (23-26), Jesus broke his body and shed his blood for us. Eating the bread and wine, means we are remaining in Jesus, and him in us. We want to proclaim this Gospel truth until Jesus comes again.


3. We need the right heart (27-34)

If a person chooses to participate without the right heart, before God, they are bringing judgment on themselves (29-30). Why not take the opportunity to repent and turn to the Lord?


Prayer: Lord, I accept Jesus’ death for my sins and live only by your grace. Help me to proclaim your gospel to the end.


One Word: Prepare your heart

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