
Judge 4:1-5:31 Deborah : God Raised Up A Mother In Israel

Deborah : God Raised Up A Mother In Israel

Judges 4:1-5:31                                                               Lesson 6
Key verse 4:4
“ Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time.”

This passage is for all those people who think that women are discriminated against in the Bible. This study will be character sketches of three people, Deborah, Barak and Jael. The story of Deborah describes the unlikely victory of the Israelites, led by the judge Deborah, over superior Canaanite forces. The story of Barak describes the humble general who overcame fear and prejudice to lead his army to victory. There is also the story of a woman called Jael. Her’s is a “David and Goliath” story where a small, weak person, triumphs over a terrifying warrior, Sisera. The entire story celebrates the power of the God of Israel and the victory given to those who live by faith and long to please God. We will discover the kind of people that God uses; those who are decisive, bold, courageous and full of faith to bring glory to God in “impossible situations.” Let’s see.

Part l: God Draws His People To Himself (1-3)

1. What happened to the Israelites after the death of Ehud? What was the root cause of their falling away?

2. How long was their oppression? What was God’s purpose in it? What was their response to the oppression? What is the best response? (Heb 3:7-8; 2 Cor 1b-2) How is God drawing you to himself today?

Part ll: The Judge, Deborah (4-9; 14)

3. Who did God raise up to lead his people? (4) What does this tell us about women’s roles in the Bible? (Acts 2:17-18; Gal 3:28) Think about some of Deborah’s qualities both humanly and spiritually. What was the source of her greatness?

Part lll: Jabin and his General Sisera: Formidable Enemies.

4. Who was Jabin and Sisera? What were their roles in the region? How did they strike terror in the hearts of God’s people? How do they represent the oppression caused by in spiritual forces at work in our own hearts?

Part lV: Barak…A General Who Was Humble To Trust And Obey Deborah

5. Who was Barak? (6-7) What was his position in Israelite society? How did he show his humility? (7) How did he ask for support? (8) What does this teach us about leadership? What did Barak forfeit? (9)

6. How did Deborah encourage the army? (14) How did they respond? (5:2; 5:9) How did God intervene miraculously? (5:4-5; 5:19-21) What do we learn about faith?

Part V: Jael: A Women Who Decided To Side With The People Of God.

7. Who was Jael and how was she different from her husband? Why was her tent near the battlefield? Why did Sisera seek refuge there?

8. How did Jael demonstrate her faith? What was the result of her actions? How was she a blessing? What was the result when everyone joined in the battle and fought as one? (5:31)

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