
Lk 24-questions- HE HAS RISEN










Luke 24:1-35
Key Verse: 24:6

“He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with
you in Galilee:”

Today’s passage is about Jesus’ resurrection. It consists of two beautiful stories. First, Jesus’ resurrection is announced to women who went to the tomb. Their sorrow is turned to joy. Second, the Risen Christ meets two disciples on the road to Emmaus and shows them that he has risen. Their despair gives way to a living hope in the kingdom of God and they renew their mission. This old, old story of Jesus’ resurrection is for us. When we accept the resurrection in our hearts, Jesus gives us eternal life and the kingdom of God as our inheritance. All of our root problems are truly solved through the resurrection of Christ. The resurrection of Christ is the best news to anybody, no matter who he or she may be. May God help us to accept this good news in our hearts today.

1. Read verses 1-8. Who were the women? (10; 8:2-3) Why had they come to the tomb? What did they find? What glorious sight did they see? How did they react?

2. What was the message of the angels to them? What had Jesus prophesied when he was still in Galilee? How did this confirm his resurrection? What difference did it make to remember Jesus’ words? (8; 9:22,44)

3. Read verses 9-12. What did the women do when they remembered Jesus’ words? How did the apostles respond? What did Peter do?

4. Read verses 13-24. Where were two disciples going? What were they talking about? Why didn’t they recognize Jesus? What facts did they know about him? What was their broken hope? Why did they need Bible study?

5. Read verses 25-32. How did the Risen Jesus rebuke them? What did he teach them from the Bible? What Scriptures might he have taught them? When did they recognize him?

6. Read verses 33-35. Why did these two disciples return to Jerusalem? What good news did they hear and what good news did they share? Why is it important to believe the resurrection of Jesus?

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