10/17/12. THE LORD’S FAVOR TO THE HUMBLE-my devotional
10/17/12. THE LORD’S FAVOR TO THE HUMBLE-my devotional
Proverbs 3:27-35 |
Monday, Oct 17, 2012 |
Key Verse: 3:34 Kevin Jesmer, NIU UBF
“He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed.”
Dear Lord, Jesus Christ. Thank you for your unconditional love and grace that you give each and every one of us through your Gospel. Help us to trust in that love and rest in that love. I pray that our family may be a family that can reveal that kind of love to the whole world. I pray that you may help us to grow spiritually and be a blessing to the people in our region. I pray that you also may bless the healthcare workers group Bible study tomorrow. Help us to reveal your love and truth in our work environments. Please grant me one word of God through this passage. I thank you and I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!
Part 1: Treating People Righteously (27-32).
Here were learning many wise and godly ways that we can interact with other people around us in community. Verse 27-32 read, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act. 28 Do not say to your neighbor, “Come back tomorrow and I’ll give it to you”— when you already have it with you. 29 Do not plot harm against your neighbor, who lives trustfully near you. 30 Do not accuse anyone for no reason— when they have done you no harm. 31 Do not envy the violent or choose any of their ways. 32 For the LORD detests the perverse but takes the upright into his confidence.”
Five “do not” statements here echo the commandment to love our neighbors. Do well and help needy, humble people with compassion, fairness, and generosity. Do not harm neighbors or friends. Do not accuse someone for no clear reason. Do not envy or imitate violent people.
I need to live in community and have respect for others and live to promote their welfare. This does not mean to be kind only to believers. It means to be kind and respectful to all people whom we come into contact with. I need to care for my neighbors. It is so easy for me to just ignore my neighbor. It is hard to love others like this. It is easier just to live our own separate lives and ignore others’ needs. I need to repent of my ignoring of others. I need to make a point to act in others’ benefit and promote their well being. I must not withhold good to others simply because I am stingy and do not want to put myself out there. No way! Where there is love there sacrifice and humbleness and a willingness to serve others, even if it means a loss to you personally.
Verse 32 is the bottom line. “32 For the LORD detests the perverse but takes the upright into his confidence.” God detests the perverse and wicked, but God delights in defending the upright and godly (32). When we are self centered and ignore the plight of those around us, then that is perverse and God does not like that at all. It is perverse because it is a distortion of the image of God in us. God is just and sacrificial and loving and caring. If we live in other ways, then that is perverse.
If we want to be taken into the confidence of God, then we must love our neighbors as we love ourselves. We must go beyond simply loving our own. May this be the regular practice of our lives.
Part 2: Be Humble, Not a Mocker (33-35).
Verses 33-35 read, “The LORD’s curse is on the house of the wicked, but he blesses the home of the righteous. 34 He mocks proud mockers but shows favor to the humble and oppressed.
35 The wise inherit honor, but fools get only shame. “
God curses the wicked and his home, but blesses the righteous and his home. God mocks proud mockers, but shows favor to the humble and oppressed. The Bible often repeats this truth: God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble (Jas 4:6; 1Pe 5:5). The wise will inherit honor, but fools will get only shame.
I see this over and over again. There are those who reject Jesus and his ways out of their destructive pride. Their pride makes them hate the ways of God. They reject the ways of the Lord. They think that they can do it all for themselves. They may be able to amass wealth and live in the nicest suburbs and remain physically healthy. But they will fall. Most likely they will fall in their close personal relationships. They will fail in the things that really count. Eventually they will have to come before the throne of God and answer to why they have rejected Jesus and the gospel.
Our house is blessed by God. We do have our issues at times. Sometimes we are distant from each other, but God is keeping us together. Julie I celebrated our 20th. The kids eat supper with us most evenings. All are believers. God has given us a hope and a future. I thank God for his grace on our lives. But it could all fall apart if we let foolish pride flood into our hearts and reject Jesus and the ways of God. We need to remain humble and remain righteous by continuing in faith in Jesus Christ. May God guide is in this matter.
Prayer: Gracious and merciful Lord, you are mindful of the humble and oppressed. Forgive our pride. Help us to reflect the justice, concern and the love of God to others around us. .
One Word: God helps the needy and humble
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