
High School Lunch Room

The Lunch Room: This was a great place. It is where our friends hung out. It is a place where you could see everyone. We could eat together, bringing our bag lunches. I remember loving the square, thick crust pizza that they sold at the lunch window. In the 1978 and 1980 there was a jukebox in the lunch room. It played the favorites like “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” by Pat Benetar or Meatloaf’s, “Paradise by the Dash Board Lights.” Just be really careful that you weren’t walking to the beat of the music when you walked though the lunch room. You might look like John Travolta in Saturday Night Fever. I think the reason the jukebox thing “worked” is because many of us had shared experiences with music. Our tastes were similar. I am not sure that a public jukebox would work today. People are divided up into their music tribes. But it sure worked for us in 1978-1980. I wonder if that juke box made a lot money and where did the funds go to. Any other memories about the Lunch Room?

Link the 2nd and 3rd generation page

R.D. Parker Collegiate page

Yeppp. We had some delicious pizza!

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