
A prayer for those seeking a true and lasting foundation to build their lives upon….

A prayer for those seeking a true and lasting foundation to build their lives upon….


Dear Father in heaven. Thank you for Jesus, the Rock of our salvation. Jesus is steadfast. He is immovable. He is the anchor in life. He is the solid foundation that will not fail. His love never changes. His truth never changes. His hope never changes. Jesus is our faithful and true friend. Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today and forever. Knowing this Solid Rock, Jesus Christ, we can trust, we can hope, we can build the structure of our lives, families, communities and nation on this solid foundation. We can find peace with the stability that you bring us. We too can be faithful and steadfast in all we are called to do, because we know you, the Rock. Lord, thank you for being such a foundation in our lives. Thank you Lord, for helping us to know you. Thank you for empowering us. I pray that all the people in our land may know you and also build their lives upon you. I thank you and I pray in the name of the Solid Rock, Jesus Christ.

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