
A Shepherd for My People: Chicago Christmas Drama 12/13/09

A Shepherd for My People

                                                                                                              Chicago Christmas Drama 12/13/09

Matthew 2:6b,

“…for out of you will come a ruler who will be a shepherd for my people Israel.”



Little Joseph:

(Group of siblings):




Servant girl:




John Jun:

Sarah Barry:

Dr Joseph:



Mike’s Mom:

Mike’ Dad:


(Group of girls):





Dr Luke Lim:

Dr Samuel Yoo:


(Group of African Shepherds):


Scene l:  A Life Of Struggle

(While the narrator is speaking Joe can be hoeing the fields, gleaning and shooing the sparrows away from the grain.)

Narrator: Joe is working on is family farm. He is one of seven kids. His parents worked hard…very hard, that they never had time to spend quality time with each child. In fact they never had to time to spend with them at all. Life was very hard with the seven kids and eight other extended family members living together. Joe spent a lot of time gleaning the fields and when he got older he dug the ground with a hoe for the next season to plant the seed. He also stood guard over the fields to shoo away the sparrows who always swooped in to eat the seeds. But to his dismay, he could not keep them away.  They kept coming and coming thwarting his Joe’s best efforts. Joe was raised and often corrected by his older siblings and competed with them for space and even food. Joe found comfort in the lap of his grandfather, who would impart confuscian teachings about life into this young man’s heart.

(There is a supper table set for seven kids. A big sister comes out and yells out, “Supper time!” All the kids run to the table. It is a free for all.)

Older bro:  Oh boy! Supper I’m famished.

Sister: meet to. What’s for supper? Chicken. Wow! (They all dig in. But Joe can’t seem to compete with     them. He is left out with nothing.)

Joe: Hey! I’m hungry too. Give me some food.

Older Bro: I don’t know why you are so hungry. You weren’t working very hard today. You let the sparrows eat up a lot of the seeds. The way I see it, they ate up your share of the supper.

Joe: That’s not fair. (He looks sad and holds his stomach and starts to sob.) I tried my best today to work. I should eat and eat a lot.

(The other siblings look at each other and then burst out in laughter. They continue to compete with one another. Joe slowly makes his way to is grandfather’s knee.)

Grandpa: Hi Joe. Did you work hard today?

Joe: Yes Grampa. But I couldn’t keep the sparrows away from eating the grain. I tried so hard. They would fly away for awhile, but soon they would return in full force. I tried and tried but they kept eating he seed. And now my siblings say that I don’t even deserve to eat. What should I do grampa?

Grampa: My little Joe…There are some things that you can’t control Joe. But there are some things that you can. They are on the inside. (he touches Joe’s heart). Always strive to be honest. Control the words of your mouth. Keep your feet from violence. When you control your heart and your body then all things will fall into place.

Joe: (Hugs his Grampa) I love you Grampa.

(There is a door slam and Joe’s parents walk in. They are tired. They have been in the fields working hard all day. They could not eat with their kids.)

Mom: Oh my little Joe..I love you so much. Did you eat supper?

Joe: Yes mom..I ate well.

Dad: You’re mom and I are exhausted. Sorry we couldn’t eat with you. Things should lighten up after the planting season is over. Good night Joe.

Joe: You work so hard for us..good night mom and dad. (they hug and kiss goodnight)

Narrator: And so Joe tried to implement what his Grampa told him. He tried hard to remember his teachings, “Don’t lie. Control your body. Never let your feet be led into violence.” Joe tried his very best. But a poor life with his siblings made it very difficult. All of his good intentions were being plucked away from his innocent heart, like sparrows swallowing up the grain.

(The kids gather again for dinner)

Sister: Supper time!

(all the kids rushing to the dinner table.  They struggle for the food and this time Joe reaches over and steals his brother’s bread.)

Bro: (notices it is missing) Hey..who stole my bread?

Sis: Don’t look at me. I never stole it.

Bro: I wanted to eat that bread so bad that my mouth was watering. Joe did you take it?

Joe: No way! Why do you accuse me? I’m leaving. I can’t eat here! (He gets up and leaves.)

(Brothers and sisters continue to fight over the food. Joe walks over another room to eat his stolen bread. He sees a servant girl trying to wash the floor. She is looking at Joe.)

Joe: What are you looking at? What are you doing anyway?

Servant: I’m trying to clean the floor.  I promised your parents that I would finish before they came home to night.

(She looks at the bread.)

Joe: (feels guilty about the bread. He pushed her.) You are doing a horrible job. You must do this over again. (He kicks over the bucket and storms out of the room.)

Narrator: The years go by and it is time for Joe to start thinking about his future as  a young man.

Dad: Joe have you given much thought about your future?

Joe: Maybe I can stay here and farm like you dad?
Dad: That’s not possible. There is no room for you here. You should go to school, but we can not afford to pay for you.

Joe: Well…I could go to the military academy. Then tuition will be free.

Dad: What do you want to study?

Joe: I really don’t know what I want to study.

Dad: I’m sorry that we cannot help you.

Narrator: And so Joe studied hard to enter the military academy. He takes the entrance exam and then one day…

Joe:  (opening a letter) “we are sorry to inform you that you have not been accepted into the military academy.” Oh No! This is horrible. What am I going to do now? I am broke and there is no room for me on the farm. (he is despaired and he makes his way to the city library. He sits down at the table very forelorn. Another student is sitting there. He is concerned about Joe.)

John: hey! Name is John.  What is your name?

Joe:  Joe..(he sniffles)

John: Why do you look so sad?

Joe: (he opens up) I tried my best, but no matter how hard I tried it seems that I can’t get ahead.

John: You failed the entrance exam didn’t you? And your broke.

Joe: How did you know?

John: It’s obvious! The letter gives it away too! (he takes the letter to read it.) Well, where do you want      to go from here?

Joe: That’s the problem. I don’t know what I want. I’m stuck.

John: No you’re not. Look, I’m studying to get into medical school. Why don’t you study with me. We can get in together. If you’re broke move in with me and be my roommate. Together we can get through this.

Joe: Alright! (John passes him a book and together they start to study.)

Joe: (After a few weeks Joe is holding an acceptance letter.) “Congradulations…you have been accepted into medical school. “ (he jumps for joy) John, John I have been accepted into medical school.

John: (holding a letter) Me too!

Joe: One problem. I don’t have enough for tuition.

John: Go home and see if there is someone will help you. You’ll be like the village hero. There has got be a way.

Joe: Yeah! You’re right. Thanks a lot.

Scene ll: Jesus Begins To Work

(Joe and John are in their apartment.)

Joe: These medical studies are so hard. I feel like quiting. I think that if I had a girlfriend everything would be O.K. There is this girl in my class…maybe if I put this rose in her book..then she would like me. (he is holding  a rose.) What do you think John?

John: Don’t do that. You are right that you need a change. I needed a change too. That is why I joined the English Bible study. There is a very pretty lady teaching the Bible and English for free.

Joe: Free English study sounds good. Led by a pretty lady that sounds better. Free also? Where do I sign up?

(There are people sitting around a table eager to begin Bible study.)

Sarah: Today we want to talk about Jesus our Good Shepherd. Our God is a shepherd God. His eyes look down from heaven seeking out the lost ones of his flock and he brings them back to the fold. He cares deeply about each of your agonies and struggles of life. Joe do you have any struggles or agonies of life?

Joe: Do I?  My whole life is full of struggles and agonies of life. I can’t even understand them. How can God?

Sarah: Well Jesus came into this world to save people just like you. The Bible says the we all like sheep have gone astray and the Lord, has laid on Jesus all the punishment due us because of our wickedness and unrighteousness. Has there been any unrighteousness in your life, Joe!

Joe: I guess so. I did lie a lot and I stole things from my siblings. There have been lots of things.

Sarah: Any one of those things is enough to make you a lead you away from God. But our good shepherd Jesus came into this world to lay down his life for us. He offered up his life for you and me so that you may know his love. For those who know him, he their Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his one and only son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Will you all accept Jesus into your hearts today? He wants to be your good shepherd. He wants to reveal his great love to you. John can you pray for us to close?

John: Sure. Dear Jesus! Thank you for being our good shepherd and revealing your love to us. Please help us to know you and especially help my roommate, Joe to know you. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Scene lll: Joe Meets Jesus

(Joe and John are walking along, discussing the Bible study.)

Joe: My heart was so moved by today’s Bible study. I accepted John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Where is such love in this world? To me love seemed so far away…love seemed like another language. I fought at every meal, my parents worked to exhaustion. Things looked hopeless. I felt all alone in this world without love. But today God’s love strangely touched my heart. Jesus is the best expression of God’s love. He is my Mighty God, everlasting father and prince of peace. Jesus loves me and has been my shepherd all along.

John: I am so happy for you my friend. I recently came to a very similar conclusion.

Joe: I truly believe that it was Jesus who led me to you in the library and who provided a way for me to go to medical school and who led me to this Bible study with Sarah.

John: He is with you Joe! He will always be with you. Now let’s go and get something to eat.

Narrator: And so Joe grew in the knowledge and the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. Both he and John matured as leaders in their student ministry as they struggled to overcome medical school. Jesus was with them one step of the way. Then one day …

(Joe and John are in their dorm room studying and talking. )

Joe: John, learning more about God’s love and growing as a Christian is great. God is doing so much in my life. I used to be filled with such violent feelings, even giving our servant girl a hard time. I grew up lying and stealing food from my siblings. But I have been forgiven and set free from all of that. I used to be hopeless, but here almost finished medical school and growing spiritually. (He leans over to John) Do you know what I am talking about John (He grabs his shirt.)

John: I know I know! Don’t tear my shirt. I can see a big difference in your life…Praise Jesus.

Joe: I can’t keep this love all to myself. My heart is burning to go and tell others about the love of Jesus. There has go to be more?

John: I have been waiting for this moment. (closes his books) Do you remember our last Bible study? Jesus told is disciples, “you give them something to eat.” It means that all the love of God that is welling up in your heart, needs to be shared with others. Don’t just keep it all to yourself. Let’s do it Joe! Let’s share Jesus’ grace with others!

Narrator: And so Joe and John grew as servants of God. Jesus led them all the way. As Joe was looking forward to settling into their medical careers, the call from God came to go to America as missionaries…

(Joe is on his knees praying to God. A light from heaven is shining on him.)

Joe: Lord, what should I do? You have been so good to me. You are my good shepherd. You have revealed your love to me in so many great and wonderful ways. And you have used me to reveal your love to others. Please Lord, continue to guide my life?

God:   Joe…As I have blessed Abraham so..I will continue to bless you.  I will make your name great and you will be a blessing and all peoples’ on earth will be blessed through you.

Joe: What Lord? All peoples’ on earth? I am not ready for this?

God:  No excuses Joe! I want you to be a source of blessing to all peoples’ of all nations and by my name, I will do. Now get up and go! You know what you need to do.

Joe:  Joe! Yes Lord… My only request is that you guide me each step of the way.

Narrator: And so God led Joe and his young family all the way to America. God wanted Joe to learn his shepherd heart for American young people.

Scene lV: Jesus, A Shepherd For The Selfish

(Brad is student with an extreme entrepreneur spirit. He is involved in building up a pyramid sales business in which he the head. He cares nothing for others unless they serve his purpose. He is heartless and cruel and making money is his bottom line.)

Brad:  Why is everyone so afraid of the recession? The way I see it, this recession is good. It weeds out the weak and lines the pockets of the strong…like me. Look, even at the height of the recession I’ve been making tons of money. (He shows off a whole wad of money.)

Jeff: Hey Brad…I’ve found five other people who want to become small business owners too.

Brad: That’s great Brad…when can we get them trained?

Jeff: Tonight at my place. Can you come and give the training presentation.

Brad: Of course I’ll be there. These people are our bread and butter. Make sure everything is set up. I’ve go two other groups to train.

Tom: (come up to brad, who is counting his money. Tom looks sad) Brad. I’ve got to talk. School has been getting me down. Can we talk? I really have to talk with someone.

Brad: Sure …er …what’s your name again?

Tom: Tom.

Brad: Yeah right. What’s up Tom?

Tom: Brad, I’ve had to drop a few classes. I am really struggling and I couldn’t recruit any sales reps

Brad: (starts to get mad) Have you tried all your friends and family members?

Tom: No..Not really.

Brad: Well Tom? I am sorry about all the classes, but I really don’t have time to talk right now. Later Tom.. (Tom walks away dejected.)

(Brad walks away counting his money..he walks directly into Joe. )

Brad: Excuse me..

Joe: That’s alright.

Brad: (realizing his opportunity to break into the Asian market) hey buddy… What’s your name?

Joe: My name is Joe.

Brad: Joe…I’ve got a business proposition for you. How would you like to be your own boss?

Joe: I didn’t really like it when I was my own boss.

Brad: OK then..(he turns to leave.)

(Joe steps in front of Brad)

Joe: I don’t want to be my own boss, because I am serving the best boss in the whole world, Jesus Christ.

Brad: Can working for Jesus make you money.

Joe: There is no guarantee that he is going to make you money. But he is guaranteed to be your good friend. Do you have a good friend Brad.

Brad: Of course I have a good friend. All the people on my sales team are my friends. Jeff is my friend. Tonight I am going to train five of his recruits for our team.

Joe: Is Tom your friend?

Brad: You know Tom? ..No Tom is not my friend anymore.

Joe: I know that you have team members and business associates, but do you have a deep and sincere friend whom you can confide in?

Brad: (takes time to think about it. He can not think of one true friend) You know..I can not think of a one sincere friend. (He begins hang his head in sadness.)

Joe: There was once a very selfish man named Levi. He was a tax collector. He made lots of money in the midst of a national recession. But he had no friends. His own people hated him. He was very lonely. (Brad is texting) Are you hearing me? (Brad puts away his cell phone)

Brad: Yeah I hear you. I guess you are telling me something I didn’t want to hear.

Joe: Jesus came to Levi when he was in his tax collector’s booth and said, “Follow me”. He meant stop following money..come follow me, Jesus, as your true shepherd and you will be set free from your selfishness.

Brad: Ouch ..that hurts..It is good…but it hurts. I need to hear this. Thanks Joe.

Joe: Jesus wanted to be Levi’s true friend and fill his life with true friendship. Do you want this Jesus, Joe? Come out your tax collector’s booth and come to Christ today?

Brad: You’re right Joe. I need a change. Where do I begin?

Joe: Let’s begin with taking time out of your tight schedule and studying the Bible together. Then you can hear Jesus voice calling you to follow him.

Brad: But what about all of my sales meetings? OK’re right. Let’s do it.

Joe: Great! You’ll never regret this decision. (They walk off together)

Scene V: A Shepherd For The Lonely

Mike is a very lonely guy. His parents are divorced. His dad remarried and his new wife doesn’t want much to do with the kids from the previous family, namely Mike. She has her own kids now. Mike mom is too busy dating other guys and pays no attention to Mike. He is an only child and feels like an orphan.

(Mom is getting her makeup on and getting ready to go out on a date. She is upset that Mike came to spend the weekend with her.)

Mike: (Talking to his mother who is in the bathroom.) But mom! How was I supposed to know that you had a big date tonight? This is supposed to be our weekend together.

Mom: OK Mike…I told you I forgot. It is not every day that I could go out with such a man. My heart tells me that he can be Mr. Right.

Mike: But mom….what am I supposed to do?

Mom: Here are a few DVD’s. You can play the X-box and here is $20 for a pizza. I’ll be back as soon as I can. (Gives him the money and a kiss. There is a car horn and she runs out of the door)

(Mike puts the DVD down and gets on the phone with his dad.)

Mike: Hi dad. How are you?

Dad: I am fine. I thought you are at your mom’s.

Mike: She went out. She forget it was our weekend.

Dad: That’s too bad son..

Mike: Do you have time to talk?

Dad: Not right now. We’re just putting the kids down. Jenn doesn’t like it when you call after 8 o’clock. It wakes the kids up.

Mike: I am sorry dad.

Dad: That’s OK. Gotta go son. Take care of yourself. See you on Monday.

(Mike goes to the campus. He is walking by other students, who are passing him up and saying superficial “hi’s”.

Mike; (trying to make a friend) Hi. Aren’t you in my bio class?

Student: That’s right. You’re the guy in the back. What’s you name?

Mike: Mike.

Student: Yeah Mike… What’s up. See ya later

Mike: yeah! See you later. (Mike looks rejected to tears)

(Brad is changed man. He has met his Shepherd Jesus and now he too wants to share the love of God with others. Mike has his eyes to the ground. He almost bumps into Brad.)

Mike: Hey I know you. You are the guy who wants everyone to be a salesman. I’m not interested.

Brad: I was that guy, but I have been changed. Jesus has changed my life. I used to want to only use people to make money. But now I want to be a faithful friend to others, like Jesus has been a faithful friend to me. There is no strings attached. Just pure, simple honest, faithful friendship. Jesus is that kind of friend. Are you interested in getting to know him?

Mike: Yes I am. Faithful friendship seems like another language to me, but if Jesus can change you from money hungry guy to what I see here…then yes, I’ll give Jesus a chance.

Brad: Alright..let me call my friend. I am kind of  new at this and he can explain about Jesus a lot better than I can. (He gets on the phone with Joe.)

Brad: Joe…Hi. I have friend here who is interested in Jesus can you come and talk with him at the Student center? A few minutes..OK.

(Joe comes in)

Joe: Hi my name is Joe. And your name is?

Mike: Mike.

Joe: What a great name. Can we sit down and talk? (He motions for Brad to leave.) Tell me…why are you so interest in Jesus.

Mike: Well, I saw Brad. I knew him before an all he wanted to do is use people, but now he is so friendly. I wanted to know what changed him. He says that Jesus is his faithful friend. Maybe I need a friend like that.

Joe: Do you know another name for Jesus? It is  Immanuel. That means, “God with us”. Jesus is God with us. John 1:14 says, (opens his Bible) “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.” The glory of God is revealed in a tiny baby in a manger who was born to be our Savior and our Shepherd. He is God with is. He has been with me all of my life, through all of my sorrows and deepest agonies of life. He will be with me all the way to the kingdom of God.

Mike: I don’t know anyone who wants to be with me. My own parents don’t want to be with me.

Joe: Jesus isn’t like that at all. He is our Immanuel God. He wants to be with faithfully. Would you like to study the Bible with me and learn more about this Jesus?

Mike: Sure. I guess I have the time…

Joe: Great! (They walk off together to find a place to study the Bible.)

Scene Vl:  A Shepherd For The Thirsty

Linda is a very immoral girl. She is pretty and she knows it. She is a thirsty woman who is trying to satisfy her thirsty heart with men’s love.

(Linda comes onto the stage talking on her cell phone. She is all excited about a party that night.)

Linda:  Of course we’re going to the frat party. I heard that all the cute guys are going to be there. I’ve already got my outfit picked out. (She looks at her clothes and admires herself.) I am going to wear my cure dress and my heals. What about you?  (A couple of guys come by)

Cody: Hi Linda. Are you going to the Frat party tonight?

Linda: Of course. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Cody: Bring some of your friends?

Linda: You bet!  (The walk off and giving each other the eye. Linda gets back on the cell phone.)

(Esther walks in the stage to talk to Linda.)

Esther: Excuse me. My name is Esther. Can I talk to you?

Linda: Esther..look I am really busy.

Esther: I came here to invite students to study Bible so that can come to Jesus personally.

Linda : look the only people I want to know are my friends and this cute guy who is going to be at this frat party tonight.

Esther: Maybe we can talk later…

Linda: Yes…much later thank you. (She goes back on her cell phone.)

(That night they are at the frat party. There are disco balls and lights and house music. A group of girls are huddled in a corner swooning over the guys. One guy starts to approach them.)

Linda: Look here he comes. ….Hi Cody. I’m glad you came. Do you want to dance?

Cody: Not now Linda…There is no point in beating around the bush. There is another girl. (Linda looks so sad) I think we should just be friends.

Linda: (cries and turns away) Just go away!

Tom: ( grabs her arm and tears her sleeve.) Linda..let’s not end it like this?  (Linda runs off stage.)

(It is the next morning and Linda has spent the night in the student center crying. Esther comes and meets her.)

Esther: Good morning Linda. Have you been here all night?

Linda: Most of it. I was dumped by my boyfriend. (She cries)

Esther: There is one man who will never dump you…His name I Jesus. Do you want to learn more about him?

Linda: (Broken hearted and ready to accept Jesus.) Yeah…maybe… (She listens)

Esther: One day Jesus talked to a Samaritan woman who was so thirsty in spirit. She was treated badly by five husbands. She was so sad. She felt like her soul was shriveling up. But Jesus visited her and offered her living water that could satisfy her soul completely. Jesus said to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” (Jn 4:13-14) Jesus was offering himself to her. When she accepted this Jesus, no longer did she thirst for men’s love. She became a true worshipper of God and a blessing to her whole village. She was so happy. Linda…only Jesus’ love can satisfy your heart and heal it. Can you accept this Jesus into your life?

Linda: (Sniffles) I guess so…

Esther: Look at your shirt and your hair. Why don’t you come to my house? I can help you with your hair and I also have a sewing machine. I can fix you’re sleeve. Then we can have Bible study together.

Linda: (sniffles ) OK.   (They walk off together)

Narrator: And so this is how Dr Joe and Esther revealed the love Jesus to American students. Jesus had been their faithful shepherd and now they wanted to be a faithful shepherd to the young people of America. But one day God would shake up their world one more time…

Scene  Vll: A Shepherd For Uganda

(a person goes across the stage carrying a big sign, “40 YEARS LATER”

(Dr Joe and Mike are just finishing up their Bible study.)

Mike: Do you know Dr Joe, our Bible study over the past forty years has been the best ever. I never thought that you would be were going to be a faithful friend but you have and I really appreciate you introducing me to my most faithful shepherd, Jesus Christ.

Joe: All these years you have  been a blessing to me and my family too. But I think that something is going to change soon. Do you remember when I told you how God revealed to me that that would be a blessing to the whole world?

Mike: I remember.

Joe: I thought that it this meant to America. But God has other plans, I’ve discovered.

Mike: (Gets a little nervous.) What other plans?

Joe: I feel God is calling me to Uganda after my retirement.

Mike: Uganda! Does that mean I’ll have a new Bible teacher?

Joe: Jesus is your shepherd. He always will be there for you.

Mike: I need you Dr Joe!

Joe: You need Jesus Mike. (Esther is coming on stage) We have to leave now. Esther coming and I want to talk to her about my new prayer topic.

Mike: Gotch ya! See you later…we’ll talk.

Esther: What is this I hear, that you are praying to go to Uganda?  You go…I am not going. I want to spend the rest of my time in America with my five grandchildren.

Joe: But Esther, when I went on the medical mission to Uganda I saw such a need.  When I went on a medical mission there we served 1700 patients in 10 days. here was a boy with  a scar on his leg and he was not able to stretch his knee joint. After our medical team operated, he was able stretch his leg and walk well, It was so dramatic. It was like a miracle. Tears flowed from my eyes. I was inspired by our African leaders. They have been forgiven and healed by Jesus. Their lives have been restored. They have been established by Jesus to be shepherds for their own people. I am humbled when I see their world mission vision praying for their neighboring countries like Rwanda, Congo, Burundi, and Southern Sudan. Esther I have to go. I want to offer up the remainder of our lives to reveal our Good Shepherd Jesus to the people of Uganda.

Esther: I know how you feel. Why don’t you go without me. I am really alright.

Dr Joe: I need you to go with me. You are my wife, my helper given by God. (he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a Ugandan Sweet potato.) Esther, I brought you a Ugandan sweet potato to let you taste a little of Africa. Cook this and eat it and then tell me you can’t come to Uganda.

Esther: OK I’ll try it. But please pray for me.

Narrator: And so Esther ate that sweet potato and it was the most delicious thing she had every eaten. Dr Joe and Mike prayed for her to accept God’s call to come with Dr Joe to Uganda. They prayed and prayed and one day…”

Esther: Dr Joe? Count me in. I’ve decided…you need me to come with you and help you. I can sew clothes for  ophan children and cut their hair. There is so many things for me to do.

Dr Joe: Esther…this make me so happy I could never do this without you.

Esther: That’s for sure Dr Joe. ( They laugh together)

Scene   : Jesus the Shepherd Of Uganda

(The music of Selah …an African song off of one of their CD’s)

Dr Lim: Someone is here to see you. Apparently he came all the way from America. His name his Mike.

(Mike comes on the stage. Dr Samuel Yoo and Dr Joe are talking.)

Dr Joe: Welcome to Uganda Mike! Jumbo!

Mike: Jumbo Sana!

Dr Joe: Ah! I want to introduce you to Dr Samuel Yoo. He and Dr Luke Lim are doctors here.

Dr Samuel: Welcome to Uganda . I hope you find what you are looking for here.

Dr Luke Lim: Mike, we can really use you in our clinic. How about you get some rest and in a couple days you can start there.

Mike: Cool! I really want to get into things here. But Dr Joe…can we start our Bible study again?

Dr Joe: Of course Mike. I missed that time of fellowship with you.

(While the narrator is speaking Mike is acting out what is being said, while he is on the stage. He can quickly switch from helping out at the clinic…to being construction worker by donning a construction hat and other workers can swarm around him.)

Narrator: And so Mike and Dr Joe gave their whole hearts to his new mission. He studied the Bible with Dr Joseph and helped in the construction of the clinic with other African shepherds. (Pause) And Dr Joseph served as a pediatrician; Msn Esther sewed clothes for African orphans. They were all so happy because they were serving their shepherd Jesus revealing his love to the African people.

(Mike was working on the new clinic, pour cement and building walls where he begins to talk with sister Sarah Elyohairwe, a shepherdess at Uganda UBF. She is working on the new hospital along with everyone else.)

Sarah: Mike how is your stay in Uganda thus far?

Mike: It is great. I am really enjoying digging into the work of God.

Sarah: Why did you come here?

Mike: It was forty years ago that Dr Joseph and I first began to study the Bible. I was a lonely student at that time. It seemed that nobody cared about me, but through Bible study I accepted Immanuel Jesus into my heart. Jesus has been with me for decades. He has been my faithful friend. I prayed and felt that God wanted me to help Dr Joseph to tell Ugandan young people that Jesus is their shepherd too.  By the way…how did you come to meet Jesus.

Sarah: It is a long story…do you have time? Do you want to hear it?
Mike: Yes! of course I do.

(Maybe there can be people acting the testimony out while she talks.)

Sarah:  I was one of four girls in my family. My father was a civil servant. We were Christians. My life looked ok, until one day in 1990 a sickness claimed the lives of my father and mother. Sickness claimed the rest of my family until I was the sole survivor in 1992. I was in grade 7 and struggled hard to survive by selling pancakes. I could not carry on with my studies and became a servant to my relatives. They worked me very hard. I hated everyone around me. I cried and cried, suffering from headaches and nose bleeds. I wondered if God even existed and if so, how could he allow me to go through all of this? I expected to die, like my sisters and I lived in great fear of death. I felt so meaningless.  I hated my life and everything in this world.

Mike:  You went through so much. How did you eventually meet Jesus?

Sarah: When I  was around 14 I escaped the hard housework and went to a Sunday worship service. God placed me right next to the preacher he spoke from Eziekle 12:3a,  “Therefore, son of man, pack your belongings for exile and in the daytime, as they watch, set out and go from where you are to another place.” The Holy Spirit worked in my heart. I saw myself as a sinner. I admitted that that I was tired of my own life. I cried a lot of tears and confessed my sins. I accept Jesus who died for my sins.

Mike: Wow! That’s inspiring. How did God work in your life after meeting Jesus.

Sarah:  My headaches stopped. My nose bleeds stopped. There was some persections however. My relatives made me choose between church and eating on Sundays. They chased me out of the house many times, but God is faithful, he opened the way for me to finish my secondary school. He even opened the way for me to go to university when no one else at my school could go.

Mike:  Amazing! So how did you join up with the ministry here?

Sarah: In 2003 I went to Kyambo University. In 2004 I was a student leader in the Christian Union. Dr Samuel Yoo came to teach us the Bible. I was moved by his humble life of faith. He was always early and set up the chairs. His serving life inspired me to be share the Gospel with others just as he did. Over the years God has been working in my heart. I have learned that I should live for the glory of God.  Now I serve in Kyambogo UBF. Recently God helped me graduate from a Bachelors Degree in Vocational Studies in Agriculture with Education. I study the Bible with Mary Yoo and I even have a Bible student Barbara. I volunteer with food for the Hungry International. And now here I am! Pouring concrete with you! (They laugh together)

Mike:  Jesus has worked so powerfully in your life.

Sarah: Mike..all I can do is praise the Lord. He has given me such great peace. I am full of joy serving Jesus. By the grace of God I am growing as a woman of mission. I pray that God may reveal his love, through me, to the students of Kyambogo campus!

Mike: Sure…I will pray for you. You know Sarah, I came to Uganda thinking I am going to lead Ugandans to their shepherd Jesus, but here you are leading me to Jesus through sharing your testimony with me. Jesus is not only the good shepherd of Americans, but also of Ugandans.

Sarah: Amen! Mike. Well, I have to get back to work now, we’ve got to get the first floor poured by tomorrow.  (They all dig into the work together. African music from the band Selah is playing.)

Scene  Vlll: A Shepherd For The World

Dr Joe: I couldn’t help but notice Mike that you look very happy here. Do you know why?

Mike:  Who isn’t happy serving Jesus?

Dr Joe: You Know Mike. Christmas is coming!

Mike: Christmas already. I didn’t even notice. How the time flies when your serving God!

Dr Joe:  That’s for  sure.

Mike: Since Jesus brought me to Uganda I have been so inspired by the life of faith of our missionaries and shepherds. He has revealed his glory to me through Sarah’s changed life. God is good.

Dr Jo: Mike, anywhere you go in this world, Jesus is right there, working in the hearts of his people, being their shepherd and leading them to the kingdom of God. Can you see that?

Mike: Yes Dr Joseph..I can.

Dr Joe: My prayer for you Mike is that you can use all of the gifts that  Jesus has given to you and offer them back to Jesus through helping the sick and raising disciples among  student here in Uganda.

Mike: Dr Joseph…thank you.

Dr Jo: Mike, I wanted to ask you. Usually in the Christmas drama the role of the magi is a kind of ..shall we say …a secondary role. But this year the more I think about your life, the more I realize that it is one of the most important roles in the drama.

Mike: Why is that?

Dr Joe:  The Magi knew they were searching for a Savior King who would be shepherd. That is why they prepared gifts fitting for this king. It was God who was with them on their long journey, guiding them and protecting them. They were so happy when they found Jesus and could offer their gifts to him. I am sure Jesus continued to shepherd them for the rest of their lives.

Mike:   That is a beautiful story. But what does that have to do with my life.

Dr Joe: It is your story too Mike. You are like a modern day Magi.

Dave: I am?  …Yes! I am!

Dr Joe:  Dave can you be one of the Magi in this year’s drama?

Dave:  I can’t . I’m not ready

Dr Joe: No excuses Mike. You’re more than ready.

Mike: Are you sure?

Dr Joe:  Positive!

Mike: Alright then…But only on one condition.

Dr Joe: What is that?

Mike: You have to be one of the Magi too.

Dr Joe; You’ve got a deal.  (They laugh and hug and walk off the stage.)

Adult Magi presentation. Maybe a dance or a special song can be plugged in here.

This is the final scene that brings it all together. The drama is going on. Dave is a Magi. When he offers up his gifts on the stage he is actually offering his life. He is so sincere and thankful to God for answering his prayer that he prayed one year previous. He is the most sincere magi ever in the world. He even sheds tears as he offers his gifts t Jesus.  Dr Joe also offers his gifts as a magi. Maybe Esther and Sarah could be a Magi too. (This might be a good spot for a dance piece.)



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