
Ospwagan Lake

2nd and 3rd Generation page

Ospwagan Lake: Apparently there was Upper and Lower Ospwagan. I think there was some mineral exploration there by INCO back in the day. This lake was an underutilized treasure, in the early 80’s. It was close to town, under ten miles. In the 1960s and 1970s there was a Wolf Scout Camp there. I never saw that in my whole life, even though I was a wolf cub for a couple of years. It wanted to attend such a camp however.  The lake was underdeveloped. We went fishing there a few times. The fishing was good. There was one rip roaring grad party out there in 1982, with bonfires and all-night festivities. It was the year before safe grad. That was fun. I remember one family lived out there in a house. Also living in the house was what looked like twenty dogs. Maybe they were living in a house left over from the boy scout days. Two of the young kids talked to me and my dad one day and asked if they could borrow our fishing gear for a week and then we could come back and retrieve it from them. We didn’t do it. Looking back, we could have bought them a junior fishing kit as a gift and given it to them. Maybe a pocket fisherman. Does anyone know what happened to that family? I recently discovered that there is a great canoeing trip from Ospwagan Lake to Thompson. There are a couple of portages. One is getting over Manasan Falls. A person can be driven to Ospwagan Lake and they can canoe or paddle to Thompson. Has anyone gone on this trip?

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