
Archive for the ‘Prayers for all occasions’ Category

A prayer for those who are facing closed doors and need God’s help.

A prayer for those who are facing closed doors and need God’s help…. Dear Lord, heavenly Father, thank you for opening doors for us when we think that all the doors are closed. There are things in our lives that leave us feeling hopeless. We feel that there is no way to move forward. But […]


A prayer for those seeking contentment in this world.

A prayer for those seeking contentment in this world….Dear Lord, thank you for helping us to be content in each and every situation. We have been home bound because of a freezing, polar vortex. We have been financially challenged. But, we are content. I am content to buy clothes at the good will store. I […]


A prayer for those overcome by suffering

A prayer for those overcome by suffering….Dear Lord, thank you for helping us to be positive and hopeful even in the times of suffering. There are so many forces in life that bring a dark cloud over our heads. But we know that with faith in you and your power to save, we can have […]


A prayer for the raising up of the laity of the church as servants of God to fulfill a very great need among the people….

A prayer for the raising up of the laity of the church as servants of God to fulfill a very great need among the people….Dear Lord, Jesus Christ. There is so many people and so many “difficult to reach” people groups in this world. The numbers are astronomical. There is such a great need for […]


A prayer for the New Year

A prayer for the New Year…Dear Lord, thank you for 2014. There is so much hope and expectation to be had for 2014. There is a whole year of possibilities. But I concede that we can not reach our full effectiveness and fruitfulness without your love, grace, truth, spirit and power in our lives, guiding […]


A pray for those seeking the spirit of Christmas in their hearts

A pray for those seeking the spirit of Christmas in their hearts…..Dear Lord, thank you for this advent season where we could look forward to the celebration and the meditation of the birth of Jesus Christ. Sometimes it is not easy to get excited about anything in life. The demands of life, our own physical […]


A prayer for security and stability

A prayer for security and stability… Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you that you are in control, There are so many things in this world threatening our security and our future, the faltering economy, the confusion over healthcare, pollution, the war on terror, drug cartels, crimes, disease, spiritual darkness and the list goes on […]


A prayer for those wanting the most out of Christmas

A prayer for those wanting the most out of Christmas. Dear Lord, thank you for this Christmas time, that we can celebrate the birth of Jesus, who is Immanuel, “God with us.” Thank you that we can meditate on the meaning of this wonderful event for our lives. May the truths of Christmas change our lives. […]


A prayer for all those who long for the kingdom of God

A prayer for all those who long for the kingdom of God…..Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I thank you for showing us the way to the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is the most satisfying place dwell, even in this life, for wherever Jesus reigns is the Kingdom of God. Lord, you once told […]


A prayer for all those who long for a father’s love.

A prayer for all those who long for a father’s love….Dear Father in Heaven, thank you for your fatherly love for us. Thank you for concerning about our welfare and providing all we need for life, love, peace, meaning and hope. Thank you for calling us home to be with you, our Creator and our […]