
The Jesmer family barn

The Jesmer family barn.  There are few sites that warm the heart more than the site of an old barn. It even warms the heart more if the barn was build by one of your ancestors and has been in the family for over 70 years, being the backdrop to so many important family events. These are the warm feelings that come when one sees the brown barn on Howard and Gloria Jesmer’s farm. The barn has the name, “C. Jesmer and sons” written on  the inside of the door. It was built by Carl Jesmer, the son of Nelson A. and Jenny Jesmer. Some of the wood may have come from Nelson’s old house. I heard that the floorboards on the second floor were the  floorboards of Nelson’s home. The barn and the old school house (also on Howard’s farm) are the only two buildings from “the good old days” left. And so this page is dedicated to the old barn. I am sure it will the destination for many pilgrimages to the Jesmer homeland near Wadena Saskatchewan.  This page will include pictures of the barn. Some of the pics include Steve and Candace Jesmer’s wedding. It will also include some barn poems.

Click here to return to family history home page.

Click here to return to Nelson A Jesmer’s page

Link to newspaper articles about Carl

The Jesmer  Mysteries Explained link

Link to Carl and Jessie Jesmer’s original page

documents of Carl and Jessie

marker date barn inside with howard barn with cat inside barn loft with nelsons floorboards marker

side view 2015 the barn 2-2015 the barn and soil 5-2015 barn and sunflowers 2015

the barn in the fall 2014 the barn in the distance

carls old barn

1- wedding party infront of the barn 1-ryan and wife infront of barn wedding

A Farm-Picture. by Walt Whitman

THROUGH the ample open door of the peaceful country barn,
A sun-lit pasture field, with cattle and horses feeding;
And haze, and vista, and the far horizon, fading away.

 The Barn In My Rear View Mirror

Patchwork quilt of a metal roof,

with a hip-shot lean to the left.

Boards, weathered, to a storm cloud grey,

with remnants of red in the cracks.


Generations, hub of the farm.

If only the old barn could talk.


From its birth, in a barn raising,

lumber from a family saw mill.


Mares with foals, town dances and plows.

Hay in the loft and moonshine.


Sign of the times, acres were sold,

but the old red barn is stubborn.


It may be swaybacked in its spine,

yet, its rugged beauty is ageless.

For the contest:  That Old Red Barn

Host:  Rick Parise

Placement: 10th


There’s an old barn

sitting all silent and still

what a story it could tell

out there in that big, open field


Back when times were different

there were alot of things going on

to look at the old barn today

no one would never have known


It was very fond of the cows

that used to all gather in

when it came milking time

and the milk they were willing to lend


Then there were the chickens

they were always running around

looking to build their nests

for then they were homeward bound


It could never forget the horses

that each evening had to be fed

especially during the winter

before they were put to bed


Oh how it loved the children

when they used to come and play

up in that big, old hayloft

each and everyday


There the old rope is still hanging

they used to swing on that old thing

with all their child-like noise

what joy it did bring


The old barn surely did feel needed

in that other place and time

it seems so sad today

just to walk away and leave it behind

In my mind I’ll hold on to the picture

when I walk through that big, old door

then it’ll stay with me forever

and never be forgotten anymore


Susie Swanson      Published, 2010

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