
Trapper’s Tavern in Thompson

2nd and 3rd Generation page

Ahhh… the Trapper’s Tavern. It was a coming-of-age place for me. You felt like a grown up. It was a place where a seventeen-year-old young guy can put a little masquera on his mustache and buy a fishing license and lie about his age on it or change the date and fold the fishing license several times over the date and get into a bar and order drinks. Then he would sneak back to where the pool tables were hoping nobody would notice that he was there. It was also the place where you brought back piles and piles of empty beer bottle cases from a house party or a lake party and get refunds for the empties. It was also a place where you could meet your dad and his friends and sit with them and have a beer. That felt weird sometimes. Wonderful memories of the Trappers. I never did buy the prime rib. The pics are off Google and are closer to today. But you get the idea. I didn’t go there at the time and take pictures thinking I would post them on Facebook over 40 years later. …Kevin Jesmer

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