
Woolworth Store in the Plaza 1960’s and 1970s

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Woolworths Store in the Plaza: It seems that many people have fond memories of the Woolworths lunch counter. I bet they also have fund memories of the entire store. I set out here to make a virtual tour of the store with pictures found on Google. There is one picture of the hallway of the plaza as you walked up to Woolworths. The entrance would on the left side of the walkway. For me, as a child in in the early 70s, Woolworths was a good to place to frequent. I would go there with my allowance to buy K-Tel albums to play on my Mickie Mouse record player. I would buy blank cassette tapes to record those records. I would also have the plastic record holders, that flipped the albums slowly so you could pick yours out. I would love to go through the toy section and dream of owning the toys and models. Farther back is where they sold parakeets and turtles and fish. They really made money off the supplies to keep the new pets alive. In the aisles were mens, woman’s and kids’ clothes. There was a house wears section. I would walk the aisles. It was a good place to warm up on cold walks in the winter. And of course, there was the lunch counter. One could sit in at the counter or at the tables in the back. Is there any other people who have fond memories of Woolworths? Is anyone parakeet or turtle still alive?

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